Mindstyle Coaching Technique

Mindstyle Coaching Technique

This technique helps you to get in your true and authentic energy to attract what really suits you in life. Within this technique you will learn how to change and control your thoughts, manifest your dream life and become patient and mindful.

I combine mental training, the laws of karma, mindfulness training and psychotherapy within this special developed technique. Only available at Serenity Life Coaching.

guter Psychotherapeut Life Persönlichkeits Coach München Online Depression geringe Wartezeit

Why Mindstyle Coaching

  • you overthink and worry on a daily basis

    Are you tired of constantly pondering? Do you yet suffer from sleep and concentration disorders? With the Mindstyle Coaching Technique we get to the bottom of the musings. Together we develop strategies that you can use sustainably against musings and a worrying everyday life.

    I know that each of us has his own concept of life and this is justified. We are all different and that’s what makes us special.

  • you often hang in negative thought spirals

    Do you think a lot about negative situations? Are you annoyed for weeks / months about long-forgotten moments? Or do you want to change something about a constant negative mood and be positive about the future again? The Mindstyle Coaching Technique can support you.

  • you are looking for meaning in life and your passion

    Do you often ask yourself, if that is already all what you can expect from life? What is your personal meaning in life? Would you like to lead a meaningful and harmonious life for you? The Mindstyle Coaching Technique can help you.

    Obstructive belief patterns are dissolved and you feel deeper into yourself through the work of values and meaning. Find your passion with the Mindstyle Coaching Technique!

  • you often think of things you DO NOT want instead of your wishes

    How many times a day do you paint your future blacker than you really want to experience it? Do you think very often about things you do not want to have in life? Is it hard for you to keep thinking about what you really want to draw into your life?

    Our thoughts are a big part of our well-being and can greatly influence our future. Learn to re-structure your thoughts with the unique Mindstyle Coaching Technique – only at Serenity Life Coaching!

Get in touch with me

Do you have further questions or want to schedule your first appointment?
Shoot me a message - I am looking forward to reading from you.

Would you like to learn more about my psychotherapy and coaching services and get to know me?

Conveniently arrange your Clarity Call (phone call, 15 minutes) via the following link. We will discuss your concerns, clarify open questions and find out if we are a match.

I am very happy to get to know you.

Clarity Call


what my awesome clients say

Bedros, 33 y/o

The life coaching meetings with Alexandra I found to be liberating. Working together has helped me to tackle things that I have put forward because they are supposed to be unpleasant. With the result that my fears have not come true and everything has developed much more positively than painted. Honestly, I thought, my goal of making a decision in the short time of 3 sessions is not really realistic. I was teached a lesson. The investment in me was worth it! Alexandra carries out her work with great dedication and professionalism. Thank you very much.

Imme, 30 years - Executive, Online Marketing

Alexandra helped me deciding between two great job offers. She worked with different methods and brought the answer, “that was already in me”, to the surface. What I experienced as super helpful was, that she summarized what I said – but always asked me to bring up the conclusions from that. In addition, she has a very empathetic and open nature. Highly recommended.

Jeanine, 35 y/o

Ms. Bauer convinced me one hundred percent methodologically and personally in psychotherapy. She picked me up exactly where I was standing, listened really well and showed me the bigger picture with a lot of love. It was like a light. thank you very much

Kerstin, 37 y/o

Thanks to you I started to listen more to myself again and tried to perceive more consciously what I actually feel in individual moments. The PDF summaries of all individual life coaching sessions and regular homework helped me a lot. I felt in good hands with you in coaching. It was a familiar feeling right away and it was easy to talk to you. With your specific questions, you helped me to listen more to myself again, to get new approaches and to see things more clearly again.

Maria, 33 y/o

I am so happy that we met! Thank you so much for all the great impulses that I was able to gain in the course of our life coaching. I learned so much about myself and feel more in tune with myself than ever. I understood that it is up to me to resolve my inner conflict, that my inner unrest comes from the fact that my mind tries to relativize my feelings and intuition.

The life coaching with you, I have understood that I need to find a better access to my emotions, take my feelings seriously, and even use them as a compass of my condition from which I can ultimately act. Since then, I have practiced every day to listen deeply to myself and to follow my intuition.

Working with you was a gift and I am so thankful for what I was able to learn about myself and my world. Thanks to the work with you, I was able to go on the journey to connect these two poles and see every day how I can get closer to myself in small steps. What I particularly liked about this life coaching was the written summaries after each session, and the little homework that encouraged me to review my own thoughts and actions and the feelings that came out of them. I very much liked your analytical approach and the demonstration of relationship constructs. I have just finished my personal End of Year Review and you are at the forefront in the category “important people for me this year”!

Philipp, 28 y/o

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did for me in the Life Coaching sessions. You have the wonderful gift of giving people the space to open themselves up so that they can heal and fully accept themselves. Being able to experience this firsthand has brought me further than anything else I’ve done so far. Your help to take what was the most beautiful gift I could give myself. I am proud of myself that I have taken the first small step in the right direction. The one to myself.

Mindstyle Coaching benefits

Within the past few years, I have used changing strategies and tools in my work with a variety of clients. Over time, some of them have proven to be very valuable. So I have gradually developed my own tools that are very popular among my clients.

I started to work on a technique that helps my clients to find their own way to solve problems in a solution-oriented and sustainable way.

With my support and the Mindstyle Coaching Technique you will how to maintain a healthy mindset within a few weeks.


Mindstyle Coaching is not for you, if

  • you suffer from a lack of initiative

    Every coaching requires commitment and the will to change. Change is not always easy and can be painful.

    I stand by you empathically and understand that you need your own pace. Coaching without the willingness to go into action, however, can not bring any benefits.

  • you do not want to reflect yourself deeply

    I do not work with clients who are unwilling to deal with themselves. If you do not want to watch your own part in certain situations, neither the Mindstyle Coaching nor any other coaching process is suitable.

    A coaching requires reflection ability on the part of the client. This means, that he/she is ready to look at himself/herself in the mirror and get to know him/her quite well.

  • you suffer from depression or other mental illnesses

    If you suffer from a mental illness, mindstyle coaching is not the right fit for you. Coaching is always aimed at healthy people.

    However, I gladly support you with my extensive network of competent psychological psychotherapists, neurologists and psychiatrists.

  • As a substitute for psychotherapy or medical treatment

    Coaching NEVER replaces psychotherapy or a medical treatment. If you suffer from sleep disorders or other physical symptoms, I expressly make no promise of salvation. These must all be clarified by a medical doctor. After that, we can start with a coaching process, if necessary.

    However, if the sleep disturbances come from you worrying too much, coaching can help (after clarifying mental illnesses such as depression, etc.).

If you want your life to change...

then schedule your free clarity call with me right now

(duration: 15 minutes).

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