Are you ready for a change?
- You have to be absolutely committed to investing in your coaching – time and money-wise.
- You need to be ready to do homework and be open to your coaching process and change.
- You make sure that you take the scheduled appointments seriously and try to keep them (exceptions are of course emergencies).
- You want to stop blaming others for your own circumstances and start reflecting on yourself and your goals.
What you get in exchange
- Summaries, further inspiration as well as impulses of each individual lesson including therapeutic journaling prompts and regular homework. My clients say that these summaries help them to reflect even more and go deeper into the process.
- Specially developed Serenity Life Coaching tools that I have developed and used successfully for many years with my clients. My clients really appreciate my tools as true “game changers”.
- My high vibing energy and extensive life experience (despite my young age). I also use high-priced coaching with other experienced coaches and continue to train myself. “Above all, you can feel that Alexandra has grown through experience. I really like the quality of her approach and a broad spectrum of knowledge!”
- An honest and appreciative sparring partner, who brings a new perspective to your situation and supports a sustainable resolution of emotional blockages and blocking behavior patterns.
You can rely on me. I give you sustainable and practical tips, tools, and inspirations for a life in abundance. There is nothing that I share with you, that I do not live and practice myself. My service is not just theory. It’s about getting fully involved in life and facing yourself.
Therapeutic coaching topics
In a therapeutic coaching program we will work with:
- Life Coaching
- Depth psychology Oriented Psychotherapy
- mental training
- inner child work
- shadow work
- Spirituality
- the Universal Laws (e.g. law of attraction)
- Gestalt Therapy
- Stress- and Burnout Prevention
- Positive Psychology
- Chakra Therapy
- Reiki
- Human Design
- 8 years of experience in the areas of therapy and coaching
- and much more…
Depends on what your current condition is and what makes sense for you at the moment.
Choose your coaching program
5 sessions
- 5 intense hours via Zoom or in my practice
- beautifully designed PDF files for each appointment including
- summaries for the sessions
- further inspiration
- impulses
- therapeutic reflection questions (= journalling prompts)
- regular homework
- worth: 200 € for 5 sessions
- Deep, life-changing tools and daily rituals that increase your quality of life
- Guided mediation, if needed
- option for Reiki healing (during the coaching sessions)
- This program runs for a maximum period of three months
999.00 € (feel free to contact me if you would like to pay in installments)
Intensive 3 months/ 6 months
#Deep Dive
- Weekly intense 75 minutes of therapeutic life coaching sessions including distance Reiki via Zoom (worth: 3.555/ 6.555 €)
- Weekly follow-ups and accountability (about doing the tasks, and implementation) to motivate you and see if we are on the right path
- Summaries, further inspiration as well as impulses for each appointment including therapeutic reflection questions (= journalling prompts) and regular homework in the form of beautifully designed PDFs (worth: 600 €)
- regular homework
- Extensive, life-changing tools and daily rituals that improve your quality of life
- if you wish: SMS and Email support 7 days a week during the appointments with additional coaching (worth: 1.800 € – additional 444 €)
- special guided meditations individually made for you and your individual needs
- access to my download area with all of my guided meditations, online courses, journals, tools and exercises, and impulses for you to choose from (worth: 1.499 €)
- over a maximum period of three or six months
€ 3.555/ 6.555 € (feel free to contact me if you would like to pay in installments)