Online Life Coaching

Mindstyle-coaching-life-balance-achtsamkeit-psychotherapie-probleme-gedanken-spirale-negativOnline Life Coaching

  • Would you like to work with me, but you do not live in Munich?
  • You don’t want to take stressful commutes during rush hour to my coaching practice?
  • Would you like to change your life and work on different topics but are afraid that this just adds more stress to your life?
  • Or would you like to be comfortably coached from home, on your business trip or vacation?

With choosing an online life coaching process you can easily get access to me via video chat. You can work with me, from wherever you live, just like all my international clients from abroad.

Why online life coaching?

  • Do you yet suffer from a low self-esteem?

  • Do you feel uncomfortable in your current relationship situation?

  • Do you find yourself in the same conflicts over and over again in your professional or private life?

  • Would you like to find your purpose, but you have no idea where to start?

  • Are you in a decision making process and are afraid to make the “wrong” decision?

Do you recognize yourself? Did you answer at least one question with “YES”? In this case: this is for you! My clients come to me with these and other questions for an Online Life Coaching.


what my clients say

Bedros, 33 y/o

The life coaching meetings with Alexandra I found to be liberating. Working together has helped me to tackle things that I have put forward because they are supposed to be unpleasant. With the result that my fears have not come true and everything has developed much more positively than painted. Honestly, I thought, my goal of making a decision in the short time of 3 sessions is not really realistic. I was teached a lesson. The investment in me was worth it! Alexandra carries out her work with great dedication and professionalism. Thank you very much.

Tony, 22 y/o

If you want to know what is going on inside of yourself and want to act on your inner callings then look no further! I was very well consulted with Ms. Bauer and am very satisfied with the outcome. I signed up for the life coach session and in a matter of a single session, Ms. Bauer was able to completely break the ice inside of me.

Making me come to the realisation of the inner conversations I was having with myself and which path I truly desired to go through even though I didn’t have the courage to truly admit it to myself. It’s really crazy how she is able to guide you through your thought pattern and make you become aware of what is going inside ourselves! 100% recommend it, it’s for the better! Also, special discount if you are students 😉 Thank you Ms. Bauer !!!

Philipp, 28 y/o

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did for me in the Life Coaching sessions. You have the wonderful gift of giving people the space to open themselves up so that they can heal and fully accept themselves. Being able to experience this firsthand has brought me further than anything else I’ve done so far. Your help to take what was the most beautiful gift I could give myself. I am proud of myself that I have taken the first small step in the right direction. The one to myself.

Caro, 33 y/o

Alex has the special gift that you want to take her to your heart and trust her. Immediately I was able to open up and positively resolve issues that have burdened me over the years. I can always bring out the special experience in Serenity Life Coaching with the multi-page PDFs of the session and keep it in the long term as a little treasure. As a couple coach, Alex is the same win. Definitely try it out!

Elisabeth, 25 years - Academic

Thanks to the coaching of Ms. Alexandra Bauer, after a few weeks I have found the courage and the energy to change my life and to do what I really want. I am incredibly enthusiastic about the coaching and I am so grateful to Ms. Bauer for revealing everything that lay dormant in such a short time.

With her calm, pleasant, friendly, empathetic and very competent nature, I not only always felt very well, but after each session I started with new ideas, thoughts and a lot of motivation. I recommend coaching to anyone, whether you want to change things, get to know yourself or explore something else, in any case, it is a gain and an asset to yourself.

Get in touch with me

Would you like to learn more about my psychotherapy and coaching services and get to know me?

Conveniently arrange your Clarity Call (phone call, 15 minutes) via the following link. We will discuss your concerns, clarify open questions and find out if we are a match.

I am very happy to get to know you.

Clarity Call

Online life coaching benefits

My own experience with coaching

I often did not feel well in the past. My low self-esteem has burdened me a lot. In others, I have often seen enemies where there were none. I mistrusted others and sabotaged all my relationships.

So I found myself in toxic relationships and in a job that did not satisfy me. Various tools such as life coaching has enabled me to go my own way.

Today I work as a therapeutic Life Coach, alternative practitioner for Psychotherapy and Reiki Practicioner in my own practice but also for larger companies. Convenient from anywhere, as I have always wished. In my countless coaching and therapy trainings I have learned different approaches. From this I have developed my very own approach, the Mindstyle Coaching Technique.


5 session package Life Coaching:

Life Business Email Persönlichkeitscoachign Selbstwert Selbstbewusstsein geringe Wartezeit online MünchenLisa came to me and in her first Life Coaching session she was anxious and sad about how her life went so far jobwise.  After only a few minutes she burst into tears and said “actually, I am a very rational person, I never cry! Everything seems to be awesome in my life. I finished university with awesome grades, earn very good money, my job is secure and I have great friends. But my job is not fulfilling at all. I do not even know what’s going on and how to find out where to go.”

Within three sessions, she could see herself back on track again. She saw her future life clearly in front of her. I motivated her in another two hours and ensured that her current goal really was what she wanted to do. To cancel her job, go abroad and work in a children’s orphanage. To learn what she needs to open a girls’ school in Afghanistan.

With a radiance in her eyes and a big smile on her face, she closed her coaching process. “I’ve already told all my friends how important coaching is! Everyone should do that!”

Today, she is happy to work for a girl’s orphanage in Romania.

60 minutes impulse coaching

starting entrepreneurship

geringe Wartezeit guter Life Business Persönlichkeits Coach Psychotherapie München onlineLutz came to me because he wanted to start his own business after ten years in his profession, in which he held a leading position. He was very unsure how he should approach the subject and what first steps he would have to take. 

In a 60-minute impulse coaching we developed a step-by-step plan that encouraged him and – for the first time – did not overwhelm him. He’s found out what he really wants and what resources he already brings to start.

Long-forgotten contacts came to light, which guided him to the first jobs as a self-employed. Even years after our coaching I get relief messages from him, telling how the coaching with me has changed his life positively.

long-term Life Coaching process (3 months)

Separation phase of a long-term relationship

email life coaching online Veränderung geringe Wartezeit hochwertig professionell persönlichkeitscoachingPeter was in a manipulative relationship where he no longer felt comfortable and sought assistance in a life coaching. “Family planning yes or no? Separation yes or no? I do not even remember if I just feel sorry for my partner or if I still truly love her!”

In life coaching, he felt through his emotions deeply and clarified the facts. Peter found out for himself, what he really wants from life, what values ​​he wants to live in a relationship and how he can now implement them for himself.

After a long process, the couple separated. Peter was reliefed at the end of the coaching session and said: “I should have come much earlier!”

Note: There is not always the need for a break-up – I always make sure that everything was already tried in the partnership. I also don’t tend to give any advise, what I do is guide my clients on their own path and ask questions – the decision is asked through several shifts and exercises and only made by the client.